Thursday, February 11, 2010

Friday, 2/12/10

A lot of bad movies today.

Police, Adjective - didn't see

The Wolfman - 2 stars

I had high hopes for this, and it let me down. Benicio Del Toro is usually a good actor, but he doesn't really do much emoting in this movie. His performance rubbed off on Anthony Hopkins because he looks bored the entire time.

The movie will make you jump, but that's easy. Any movie can do that. There are many scenes of a character walking, and the music stops and it gets all quiet, you know something is going to jump out any second now, and ... bam! The wolf comes out of nowhere, slashes with his claws, and a head or an arm goes flying. This happens a lot. There is even one of those dream sequences where something happens, then he wakes up, but he isn't really awake yet, he is still dreaming.

The movie really didn't make me care about any of the characters. Once Del Toro knows he is a werewolf, I didn't really feel sorry for him. The movie didn't scare me, and it didn't make me laugh either. When the wolf isn't on screen, I was bored. There is nothing memorable in this movie. It's unnecessary and forgettable.

Then only good thing about it was Hugo Weaving. I love listening to the way he draws out his words and speaks so precisely. It made me want to go watch The Matrix again.

Valentine's Day - 1 1/2 stars

This movie has about 20 different storylines going on at the same time. Every part is played by a big movie star, and that's a good thing because its the only way we can keep track of who is who. I think I laughed 3 or 4 times, and the rest of the time I was smacking my head in disbelief.

One thing I hated was Anne Hathaway's storyline. I can believe her character would take a job as a phone sex operator, but I don't believe she would be 'on call' 24 hours a day. She takes a call in the morning, right after leaving Topher Grace's apartment. She takes a call in the middle of the day while she is at her day job (she even takes a call on her office phone). She also gets a call while she is out on a date. I have to believe that phone sex workers are scheduled, so they don't have to be on call like a heart surgeon. How does she expect to hold down her day job if she is getting these calls every hour?

By far the worst thing about the movie is Taylor Swift's performance. She can't act to save her life. She should never act in a movie ever again.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief - 1 star

This movie was just idiotic. I wanted to walk out so bad in the first 20 minutes. Its like it was written by a 7th grader. Everything about this movie sucks. The book series its based on might be a decent fantasy book, but if its anything like the movie, it should only be read by elementary school students. There are so many good fantasy series out there but they keep making movies out of these horrible books. Or at least they make horrible movies out of these books. We should feel really lucky we got good movies out of Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.

1 comment:

Kenna said...

Thanks for the comments. I now have your blog bookmarked, so I'm going to look at it more often! Good critiquing.